Weekly Newsletter: See you next year


Who will win next?

Photo By: Kamden P, GKHS, Digital Photo 1

Photo By Cooper Lovelace-Valinsky

Message from Mr. Calhoun

Hello GK families and friends,

  1. Our newsletter will return August 2024. Have a great summer!

Thank you, Mr. Calhoun

photo by kingston slate

Assignments Being Graded This Week

Photo by Naima Charles

Mitchell W Calhoun Photography Graham Kapowsin High School Digital Photography 2 weekly newsletter

Coming Soon

Photo by Kingston Slate

All Assignments by Type

Summative | 70%

  1. Elements and Principles Check on Learning
  2. Portfolio Start
  3. Camera Modes Check on Learning
  4. F.A.I.L. Poster
  5. Intro Photo Edit
  6. Intro Check on Learning
  7. Rule of Thirds/Leading Lines Photo Edit
  8. Symmetry/Framing Photo Edit
  9. Pattern/Interrupted Pattern Photo Edit
  10. Digital Photography 1 Final Exam
  11. Submit Your Final Portfolio

Formative | 20%

  1. Pre-survey
  2. Aperture Priority
  3. Shutter Priority
  4. A+ Turn-in
  5. Intro Photo Shoot
  6. Intro Photo Shoot Discussion
  7. Intro Photo Edit Discussion
  8. Notes Turn-in 1-10
  9. Rule of Thirds/Leading Lines Photo Shoot
  10. Gallery Walk 1
  11. Symmetry/Framing Photo Shoot
  12. Gallery Walk 2
  13. Pattern/Interrupted Pattern Photo Shoot
  14. Gallery Walk 3
  15. Notes Turn-in 11-19

Participation | 10%

  1. Submit Your Syllabus
  2. Getting to know You Discussion
  3. Tech and Art Fair
  4. Top Photos
  5. Homework: Camera Modes Discussion
  6. Submit to a Competition
  7. Scavenger Hunt
  8. Infographics
  9. Attendance
  10. Employability

“The camera is a sketchbook, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.”